Mission is the Church in action

As those who have received the love of Jesus Christ, it’s our privilege, purpose and passion to share the good news of salvation to those who don’t know Him. Our heart for mission begins with our friends & family, extends to our community and reaches the nations. We live by “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember I am with you always.”

Chiang Rai, Thailand

Lighthouse Church is actively involved in supporting these ministries through the faithful giving of our members, ongoing prayer support and by visiting these regions as the Lord leads us.

A & Jit Janee – Freedom Worship Church

A and Jit Janee are the Senior Pastors at Freedom Worship Church in Chiang Rai, Thailand. They planted Freedom Worship Church in 2015 after many years of leading churches in Thailand and are also running Shalom House, a project that provides housing, education and care for at-risk girls in their community.

A also oversees youth mobilisation for the whole province of Chiang Rai, reaching over 300 churches. He mentors a large team of youth volunteers who in turn run programs to encourage and disciple the young people of Chiang Rai. A and Jit are blessed with two sons, Shawn and Peace who are 11 and 8 years old.

Their mission is to lead lost people to Jesus and their vision for the future is to take the gosepl further afield to China, Laos and Myanmar.

A & Jit Janee – Freedom Worship Church

Somchai and his wife are the pastors of Steadfast Love Church in Chiang Rai. After working for a long time as an associate pastor in various churches, Somchai felt God call him to start a new church for those in his own people group, the Lahu.

He now pastors a thriving church community of predominantly Lahu people who meet at his house. Already outgrowing the house space, they are actively fundraising for a new building to assist the big vision of seeing many more Lahu come back to God.

Supot- Wiang Lanna Church

Supot and his wife are the pastors of Wiang Lanna church in Chiang Rai. Birthed out of market evangelism several years ago, the church has grown, matured and is currently sending 4 people to bible college. They have recently planted a new house church about 2hrs away in another town.


Lighthouse Church Missions
Bank: CBA
BSB: 062210
ACCT: 10266864
REF#: Thailand Monthly


Chiang Rai Prayer Points

1. For ongoing and increased provision of finances and other resources so that the Lords works may continue in this region.

2. That believers will not give up meeting together, but now after covid will rejoin church communities and encourage each other.


It is more blessed to give than to receive
– Jesus

Following is a list of projects that our partners overseas believe God has asked them to do and are seeking funding for.
We joyfully provide these as practical ways to partner in growing the Kingdom of God around the world.
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24k of 45k

Around 10 years ago, A and Jit spent a few years in Cambodia planting churches, and from that Outdom (Ou-dom) and his friend Meanseth were called by God to plant another new church in the smaller town of Khampong Cham in 2018. God has blessed them through the use of soccer, and there are now over 100 young people in the church, with a total of 200 in their weekly community.

But life is not easy in Cambodia and with few jobs available in the area, young people struggle to survive while learning, working and living. Even for Outdom, a man full of faith and the call of God, life is very challenging. His business folded during covid and now his wife is living and working in the capital city 3hrs away to provide for them both. However his love for others is powerful and he persists in the ministry for their sake, giving most of his time to teach and disciple the many young people.

The land the church is using is owned by Outdom’s wife’s family, and over the years through hard work he has been able to slowly build the 2 buildings that they have today. The building at the front is used for church and various teaching classes to the youth, while the building at back is used as a dorm to sleep 8 women who are going through real financial hardship.

The dorm building was only a tin roof when we connected with them last year, however earlier this year through our fundraising efforts we were able to complete the building into 4 separate rooms and bathrooms. This increased the bathrooms on the site from 1 to 5 and they have been incredibly thankful. It has also given them a clean tiled floor to sit on which has boosted the life classes and teaching that happens.

However, the main meeting room at the front is still only half finished, with no doors, no insulation and a dirt floor. It’s really just a shell of corrugated iron which brings many challenges in both the heat and the rain. If you think Lighthouse gets hot in summer, just try and imagine 35deg heat under an iron roof!

Outdom has a good local builder he has been working with and together they have a plan to finish the building. They’ve shown us a breakdown of the costs involved which are very reasonable to finish it. Our desire and heart is to see this building completed very soon! Please jump onboard with us to see this thriving church in Cambodia have their building completed to better support them.

Student dorm completion: $21,000
Church building completion: $20,000

We have been partnering with the Shalom House project for 4 years already. The house takes in girls from high risk environments and provides a safe place where they can flourish. So far the program has been a huge success, with 2 girls graduating and moving on and the remaining 4 serving joyfully in the church.

Each March/April before the school year starts, there are some additional expenses and we have chosen to make this need known to you this year.

– The beds in the house need to be refreshed
– New school uniforms for everyone
– Compulsory accident insurance (school related)

– New motorbike for transportation
– $2500

In 2022, Pastor A was asked to oversee, strengthen and mobilise the youth from 300 surrounding churches. The climax of this was seeing 3000 people fill the local stadium to worship Jesus. This was a huge encouragement to everyone coming together in unity after covid. A couple of the young girls we have supported through the shalom project were on the stage leading worship for the event.

Now in 2023, A is once again driving all over the state meeting with and mobilising young people to put the Kingdom of God first. Another stadium worship event is planned for October this year, alongside another day dedicated to training. This time the vision is to fill the stadium with youth.

Travel & accomodation for the regional meetings: $1000
Youth event in October: $3000

Watch the video below of last years’ stadium event.

Through our generous giving last year, combined with the large amount of funds raised locally, Steadfast Love Church was able to purchase and pay off a large block of land where they plan to build a church building and ministry training centre for the Lahu people group. They are still meeting in Somchai’s living room and carport which is much too small for them already.

The land is currently being in-filled with additional dirt as it was previously a rice field. Additional funds are needed to complete this land filling. We will be meeting with Somchai in May this year to discuss the building plans, budget, timeframe, etc.

Watch the video below where Jimm and Somchai explain this vision in more detail.